BigCommerce channel integration
How to integrate your BigCommerce store with Avasam.
Getting started
Integrating BigCommerce
To learn why you should be creating a new BigCommerce store, click here.
New sales channel integration
To integrate your BigCommerce store:
- In settings, select sales channel integration.
- You can choose here to integrate an existing store, or to create a new store.
- If you choose to create a new store, then you will need to follow the instructions to sign up for a new trial account with BigCommerce before continuing. You'll be returned to Avasam after signing up.
- If you choose to integrate an existing store, you'll proceed with the setup as follows.
- Click the add sales channel button.
- Click on the add button next to BigCommerce.
- Enter the address for your BigCommerce store (eg "").
- Click install app to continue.
- A new tab will open with your BigCommerce store and the Avasam App will be shown.
- Click install.
- Read the information about the app, and then click confirm to continue.
- Login to your Avasam account.
- Avasam will confirm that it is connected to your BigCommerce account.
- Avasam will be shown inside your BigCommerce store dashboard and will confirm the integration was successful. Click next.
- You will be returned to the sales channel list in Avasam, with a new row added for your new BigCommerce integration.
When connecting to your store the first time, if you're in preview mode then you might need a preview code to proceed in BigCommerce. In your BigCommerce control panel, find and click view store on the left hand menu. This will open the front page of your BigCommerce store, and the preview code will be shown at the top of the page.
You may need to refresh your original Avasam window to see the newly integrated BigCommerce channel.
Ensure that your channel has stock updates enabled to stop your listings overselling.
- Click on the channel name.
- Click on additional settings.
- Toggle the switch for stock update to yes.
- Click save.
Ensure your BigCommerce store has had it's VAT/Tax settings configured before listing products or updating prices
Disable channel integration
When you create a new channel integration, it is automatically enabled and active.
To disable the BigCommerce integration to stop it downloading orders and updating listings temporarily.
- In settings, select sales channel integration.
- Locate the integrated sales channel you wish to disable.
- Click the status switch to toggle it from yes/active to no/disabled.
- The channel is disabled.
Enable channel integration
When creating a new channel integration, it is automatically enabled and active. You, or someone else, may temporarily disable it.
You can re-enable the integration to resume downloading orders and updating listings.
- In settings, select sales channel integration.
- Locate the integrated sales channel you wish to enable.
- Click the status switch to toggle it from no/disabled to yes/active.
- The channel is re-enabled.
Remove channel integration
If you no longer wish to have Avasam connected to your BigCommerce store, it can be easily removed. Once deleted, you will need to re-create the integration from scratch should you choose to re-use it.
To remove a channel integration:
- In settings, select sales channel integration.
- Locate the BigCommerce integration you want to remove.
- To open the integration, click the name of the store.
- Click the red remove account button to remove the integration.
- Click OK to confirm.
- You will be returned to the list of channel integrations.
Click ‘Cancel’ if you decide to not delete the integration.
If you delete an integration and then reintegrate the same site the analytics and reports will not recognise orders from the two integrations as being from the same site.
Excluding non-Avasam orders
Avasam can download orders for products not linked in Avasam - This is useful if you don't immediately map listings after creating them. Alternatively, if you sell some of your own stock alongside Avasam orders, it can clutter up the order screen. Non-Avasam orders are deleted after 3 days if not for mapped products.
To avoid seeing those orders:
- In ‘settings’, select ‘sales channel integration’.
- Find the relevant channel integration and click its name to open the integration.
- Scroll down to the 'additional settings' section heading.
- Click on the 'additional settings' section heading to open up the settings menu.
- Set the exclude non-Avasam orders switch to off, or grey.
- Click ‘save’ to apply any updates or changes to Avasam.
- You will be returned to the list of channel integrations.
You cannot make exclude non-Avasam orders and split orders with unknown SKUs active simultaneously, only one at a time can be active, or neither.
Splitting order containing Avasam and non-Avasam SKUs
Where some of your orders contain a mix of Avasam and non-Avasam products, this setting allows you to process the Avasam products and not import the unknown items. When set to no, you will only import these orders if exclude non-Avasam orders is set to no.
To enable this:
- In ‘settings’, select ‘sales channel integration’.
- Find the relevant channel integration and click its name to open the integration.
- Scroll down to the 'additional settings' section heading.
- Click on the 'additional settings' section heading to open up the settings menu.
- Set the split orders with unknown SKUs switch to on, or green.
- Click ‘save’ to apply any updates or changes to Avasam.
- You will be returned to the list of channel integrations.
Listing on BigCommerce with Avasam
With the Avasam listing tool, it's easier than ever to add your products to your BigCommerce store
Before you can list a product you must ensure that you have sourced products and integrated your BigCommerce store.
Ensure that the title, description, shipping price and selling price are correct before listing a product.
Listing a product in your BigCommerce store
- Open listing manager.
- Open the listings option for your BigCommerce store.
- Select one or more products to list that don't have tick icons by their entry by selecting/ticking the left hand box for the product(s).
- Click on list at the bottom of the screen.
- Avasam will report item listed successfully.
- The screen will refresh. You may need to change the filter settings to show the product(s).
- If there is an error with the process, then this will be reflected by an error icon (see below). Otherwise the status will change to listed.
When listing products to your store, both with and without using the Avasam listing tool, in order to map the product correctly so that orders for the product can be processed, you will need to go into the mapping tool to download the latest listings after they have been created:
- Open settings
- Open channel integrations
- Click on the channel to open the settings
- Click on SKU mapping to expand the section
- Select download from the drop down list. This may take several minutes.
- Click on the SKU mapping tool button.
-- If the items were listed in Avasam , or using the Avasam SKUs, then click on the action available option, and select automap SKUs.
-- If the items were listed with a different SKU, then follow the instructions for SKU mapping. - Click close when you have finished.
The tick icons indicate that an item is already listed on your BigCommerce store.
- A green tick is an item that has been previously listed using Avasam's listing tool on your BigCommerce store.
- A grey tick is an icon that is already on your store, but was listed without using our listing tool.
If an item shows a red exclamation mark (!) icon, this means that there has been an error when trying to list that item. Please hover the mouse over it for a tool tip that says why, or contact our support team for assistance.
If you change your mind about updates you are making to products for listing, then you can click cancel to leave the screen and abandon changes.
If you are interrupted and want to come back and finish later, then selecting the products and clicking action, then save will keep them saved for later.
When listing products on BigCommerce, remember that the price you send can be inclusive or exclusive of tax. This is defined by the tax settings on your store.
If you change the settings on BigCommerce after sync, your uploaded price will change from inc VAT to ex VAT, or vice versa, so ensure it is all setup correctly before listing or updating prices. Otherwise your prices may be higher than expected.
Updating listings
If you want to update listings, price etc for one or more products on BigCommerce , then you can do so as follows:
- Open listing manager.
- Open the listings option for the selected BigCommerce store.
- Select 1 or more products that are listed (you can filter for listed items at the top of the list) by selecting/ticking the left hand box for the product(s).
- Update the details for those products.
- Check the updates are correct.
- Click on update at the bottom of the screen.
- Avasam will report item updated successfully.
- The screen will refresh.
- If there is an error with the process, then this will be reflected by the error icon. Otherwise the status will change to listed.
Deleting listings
If you no longer want a product to be listed on BigCommerce , then you arrange this by following these steps:
- Open listing manager.
- Open the listings option for your BigCommerce store.
- Select 1 or more products that are listed (you can filter for listed) by selecting/ticking the left hand box for the product(s).
- Click on action at the top of the screen.
- Select delete.
- Avasam will report item removed successfully.
- The screen will refresh.
- If there is an error with the process, then this will be reflected by the error icon. Otherwise the product(s) will be shown as not listed.
When 1 or more products have been selected, the action drop down allows you to choose whether to list, save or delete those products.
Listing manager
The listing manager is where you can review and control the status of your integrated sales channels.
The listing manager can be opened from the menu to the left of the Avasam screen. This allows you to add products to your BigCommerce store, check their status and update them.
It contains information about the integrated channels and their current status (order sync, price sync, stock sync, all show the time this last occurred). It also contains information about the listings on the individual stores.
The listing manager shows the products in your inventory and their status on your BigCommerce store (listed, not listed, error). You can search for a product or filter the products shown using the controls along the top of the screen.
The columns and controls are as follows:
Column/control | Purpose |
Select/Select All | Toggle selection of one or more products/rows to apply an action to. Ticking select all ticks all rows. |
Image | Primary image for product |
Avasam SKU | Product identifier/SKU in Avasam inventory |
Variation | Shows if product is in a variation, and if it's a child product or a parent product |
Title | Title of product - as will be shown in the product listing on Shopify |
Description | Click to open edit window for product listing description |
Category | Avasam catalogue category |
Stock | Number currently available in stock |
Cost Price exc | Cost price specified by supplier |
Shipping Price exc | Shipping price specified by supplier - can be edited for listing |
Selling Price (Inc VAT) | Price to sell on channel (If pricing rule is setup, then this will show auto instead of allowing editing) |
Product type | Product type in BigCommerce store |
Collection | Product collection in BigCommerce store |
Status | Can filter or order by listed, not listed or error |
You can also click on the listing manager entry on the left to toggle it and show the available integrated channels with listing tools as subcategories. Clicking on one of these is the same as clicking the listings button.
Checking the status of listings in the my products page
In the my products page, click on columns. Click on default columns to expand the selection, and check the entry for your BigCommerce channel to show it in the product list. You can add columns for more than one integrated BigCommerce stores here.
Click apply to save the change. This adds one or more new column(s) to your my products list.
This shows the status of the product on your BigCommerce store.
Icon | Status |
![]() | Correctly linked to listing on BigCommerce and listed via the Avasam listing tool |
![]() | Correctly linked to listing on BigCommerce but not listed via the Avasam listing tool |
![]() | Error when listing or updating on BigCommerce |
![]() | Not yet listed or linked on BigCommerce, but can be listed |